Turn up the beet! (pun intended), because beetroots are a magnificent little root vegetable with some impressive health benefits:
- Be Healthier:
During digestion, the nitrates get converted to nitric oxide which causes arteries to widen and lowers blood pressure. Beets also contain pigments called betalains, which have shown to have anti-inflammatory effects and may help in reducing risk of heart disease and cancer.
- Sharper Thinking:
The dietary nitrates also help increase blood flow to the brain to improve cognitive function.
Beetroots are incredibly versatile and can be eaten in a salad, dip, or juice to really supercharge your next meal.

Blueberries pack a mighty health punch and helps with sports performance, energy levels and brain function. Wow!
- Be Healthier:
Blueberries are high in phytonutrients (especially Vitamin C and Manganese) which help in protecting against cancer and heart disease.
- Sharper Thinking:
Blueberries are high in flavonoids which have been shown to improve memory, enhance brain function and reduce rates of cognitive decline.
- Better Sports Performance:
Strenuous exercise is associated with oxidative stress / inflammation which results in muscle soreness, fatigue and impaired muscle soreness. The high phytonutrient content in blueberries helps reduce the oxidative stress to accelerate muscle recovery.
- More Energy:
Blueberries have a GI of around 53 which is low. This means that when they are digested, the carbohydrates in them are absorbed slowly resulting in a gradual release of glucose into the bloodstream. This helps to prolong energy throughout the day.
Blueberries are versatile and can be served for breakfast with rolled oats, as a snack, in a smoothie, as a dessert, added to a salad or mixed in with some Greek yogurt for a tangy and sweet sensation!

Grapes are one of the world’s favourite fruits (and not just because they are the core ingredient in wine). They are delicious, sweet and juicy, offering a wealth of health benefits including:
- Be Healthier:
Grapes are a good source of resveratrol which has shown to protect against heart disease and against the development of cancer.
- Sharper Thinking:
Studies have shown that the polyphenols in grapes can improve attention and memory.
- Support Immune Function:
Grapes are a good source of vitamin C which is important for growth and development and maintenance of your immune system to help with wound healing and fighting infection.
There are around 60 species of grapes which divide into over 8,000 varieties, but the most common are the red and white grapes. For a health boost add some grapes to your diet – your body will be ‘grapeful’ for it!

Rolled Oats
Did you know that oats have their very own special day? October 29th is National Oatmeal Day in the US. So in celebration of this magnificent grain, we’ here to tell you all about its many benefits:
- Be Healthier:
Regularly eating oats is important for heart health as research has shown oats reduce your blood pressure, your total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol.
- Sharper Thinking:
Oats supply a sustained energy source to the brain, which may help people to learn better. A study of school children showed that those who ate oatmeal before school performed significantly better on spatial memory and auditory learning tasks than those who ate a sugar cereal.
- Better Sports Performance:
Oats have a Glycaemic Index of around 50 which is considered as a low GI carbohydrate. This means that when they are digested the carbohydrates in them are absorbed slowly, resulting in a gradual release of glucose into the blood which helps to improve overall endurance and running capacity.
- More Energy:
Oats are a carbohydrate which breaks down slowly to gradually release glucose into the bloodstream, this give you a longer-lasting energy boost throughout the day. Oats are absorbed slower, giving you a longer-lasting boost throughout the day. Oats also contain B vitamins like Niacin and Thiamin, which work together to help your body convert carbohydrates into energy.
- Feel Fuller for Longer:
As a Low GI carbohydrate, oats help to prolong digestion due to their slow break down and may help with satiety (feeling full).
Celebrate National Oatmeal day everyday by enjoying oats for breakfast (as porridge or in muesli). And there’s an added bonus – they’re cheap, at $4 to $5 a kilogram!

Salmon is high in fat and has almost double the fat content of a lean steak. But don’t avoid this fatty fish because salmon contains highly specific healthy fats called omega-3s, which are components of every cell membrane in your body. Salmon is also an excellent source of B vitamins, with a number of health benefits including:
- Be Healthier:
Salmon is high in healthy polyunsaturated fatty acids called omega-3s (1.7 grams per 100 grams fish) and omega-6 (170 milligrams per 100 grams of fish). Research shows these are important to regulate important body functions, including blood pressure, blood clotting, the brain and nervous system, and the production of molecules that regulate the inflammatory response.
- Sharper Thinking:
Salmon is an excellent source of several B vitamins, which are essential for optimal brain health and functioning.
- Better Sports Performance:
Your body requires protein to heal and recover after exercise. Salmon is a good source of protein (salmon provides 24 grams of protein per 100 grams serve) which can provide amino acids for the maintenance and repair of muscle protein after strenuous exercise to help with a quicker recovery.
So make sure to get this fatty fish on the menu every week!

Strawberries are a ‘must-have’ food to put in your shopping trolley. They taste great, are highly nutritious and provide many health benefits, including:
- Be Healthier:
Strawberries are high in phytonutrients (especially Vitamin C and Manganese) which help in protecting against cancer and Heart disease.
- Sharper Thinking:
Strawberries are high in flavonoids which have been shown to improve memory, enhance brain function and reduce rates of cognitive decline.
- Healthy Gut:
Strawberries are a good source of fibre which are important to feed the friendly bacteria in the gut and improve digestive health.
Did you know: A staggering 28,000kg of strawberries are consumed by fans over the course of The Wimbledon Tennis Grand Slam.
So next time you’re watching sport, rather than grab a pack of chips, maybe grab a punnet of strawberries instead!

Tofu is a soy based product that originated in china almost 2000 years ago. The process of making tofu is very similar to making cheese and it is essential element in most vegan diets, with a number of health benefits including:
- Be Healthier:
Soyfoods such as Tofu are a great source of protein and essential fatty acids. Research has linked these soyfoods with improvement in cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
- Sharper Thinking:
Tofu is a great source of isoflavones which can favourably improve cognitive function and visual memory.
Tofu is low in calories per serving, and great sources of high-quality protein and healthful fat. So next time you’re making a curry, stir fry, or soup throw some Tofu in there!