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Feeling hungry all the time? Try these strategies to help you stay fuller for longer

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Feeling hungry all the time? Try these strategies to help you stay fuller for longer

Are you feeling hungry all the time? Have you noticed that you are preoccupied by the thought of food and your next meal? There are a few tweaks that you can make to the foods you eat, as well as how you eat, to help with keeping you feel fuller for longer.

Here are some healthy eating habits to help:

Choose foods with a low Glycaemic Index (GI)

The GI of a food is a measure of a food on a scale of 1 to 100 based on how quickly and how much carbohydrate foods raise blood sugar levels after being eaten. Foods that are low GI (<35) are those that are more slowly digested and influence a lower and slower rise in blood sugar levels. Including low GI foods for your meals and snacks may help in keeping you feeling fuller for longer. Read more about the GI of foods here.

Eat enough fibre

Particularly soluble fibre. Soluble fibre is found in foods such as beans, peas and lentils, oats and barley. Soluble fibre creates a thick, gel like substance that is known to slow digestion, and can support you in feeling fuller for longer. A food is considered a ‘good source’ of fibre if it contains more than 4g of fibre per serve. One cup of broccoli contains about 3.5g of fibre, and one cup of chickpeas contains about 8g of fibre. Read more about how to increase your fibre intake here.

Check the balance of your meals

Eating a meal that includes a source of lean protein, carbohydrates, colour from fruits and vegetables and healthy fats will provide you with a variety of vitamins and minerals, as well as nutrients that will contribute to your feeling of satiety (fullness). A balanced meal will moderate the rise and fall of blood sugar, and will provide you with fibre, protein and fats to slow digestion and support you in feeling fuller for longer.

Eat at regular intervals

Allow enough time between your meals that you recognise yourself starting to feel a little hungry, though avoid becoming ravenous by leaving it too long between the next time you eat or skipping meals. This window will vary for each person, though a good window is between 2 and 4 hours. Research has found that people who skipped meals were more likely to eat more kilojoules at the following meal.

Remove the distractions

Research has found that eating whilst distracted such as watching TV, eating at your desk whilst working, and playing video games can be distracting enough that people are less likely to acknowledge and remember the food that they’ve eaten, leading them to eat more at the following meal.

Plan smart snacks

Apply the concepts of building a balanced plate to your snacks too, rather than reaching for chocolate, chips or adding a muffin to your coffee order. Read more about smart snacking here.

Include these foods to help you feeling fuller for longer:

  • Popcorn
  • Potatoes
  • Rolled oats
  • Brown rice
  • Cauliflower
  • Eggs
  • Nuts
Your Personal Healthy Eating Quiz

What you eat or don’t eat affects how you look, feel and perform. Take our short quiz to find out what foods you could introduce to help you be your best.

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What is healthy eating?

Eating healthy is making sure you enjoy a wide variety of foods from each of the five major food groups daily, in the amounts recommended. The five major food groups as recommended by the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating are:

  1. vegetables and legumes/bean
  2. fruit
  3. lean meats and poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds, legumes/beans
  4. grain (cereal) foods, mostly wholegrain and/or high cereal fibre varieties
  5. milk, yoghurt, cheese and/or alternatives, mostly reduced fat.

Foods are grouped together because they provide similar amounts of key nutrients and eating a variety of foods from the list above helps to promote good health and reduce the risk of disease.

How do I improve my diet?

If you want to improve your diet you have come to the right place. By completing the Healthy Eating Quiz you’ll receive instant personalised feedback and a report on your diet quality to highlight any areas where you can improve your overall eating habits. Your score is based on the frequency and variety of the foods consumed from the five major food groups mentioned above. No Money No Time can help you improve your score by providing tips, goals and suggestions. On top of this we will provide quick, cheap and healthy recipes as well as credible answers to diet hacks, myths and FAQ’s.

Is my diet healthy?

Dietary habits are different between people. Some people choose to follow a particular diet (i.e., Keto diet or vegan diet) while some have to make changes due to certain food restrictions or health conditions. If you want to know if what you usually eat is healthy, then do the Healthy Eating Quiz today to give you the answers in less than 10 minutes.

Why is healthy eating important?

Your HEQ score and personalised feedback report is based on the frequency and variety of healthy core foods you usually eat. This is important because no single food contains all the nutrients we need to stay healthy. Some foods are higher in nutrients than others and people who have a lot of variety in the foods they eat are more likely to be healthy and to stay healthy. In other words, if you can eat a large variety of vegetables as opposed to only 2-3 types of vegetables, the benefits are much greater. This type of diet also helps you to feel better, think better and perform better during your usual daily activities.

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