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5 quick, easy and healthy breakfast ideas


You’ve probably heard it said that ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day’! If you have been asleep for 8 hours or so, then breakfast is the meal that breaks your overnight fast. It gives you energy to start your day, help you get essential nutrients, and of course, it’s delicious! If you find yourself rushing out the door without breaky, try packing it in a lunchbox the night before and eat it at work. Here’s 5 easy and nutritious breakfast options to make at home to get your day off to a great start..

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5 quick, easy and healthy breakfast ideas

1. Weet-Bix

Weet-Bix are a breaky staple Australia-wide! They are packed with fibre and B vitamins. Weet-Bix are very versatile. Here are our top tips to make your Weet-Bix more interesting. Try serving your Weet-Bix with hot or cold milk. For something a little different, you could try adding them to a smoothie. Soaking them in milk overnight for a delicious, creamy texture. Serve your creation topped with your favourite fresh or frozen fruits, a sprinkle of spices, nuts, or seeds, and a dollop of creamy Greek yoghurt. Experiment with different flavour combinations, or try some of our favourites like peach, almond and yoghurt; apple, date and cinnamon; or banana and peanut butter.

2. Things on toast

Level up your morning toast with eggs or baked beans for a breakfast rich in fibre, protein and complex carbs to help keep you satisfied all morning. Eggs are a great option paired with wholegrain toast, or add smashed avocado, cooked spinach or mushrooms if you’re feeling fancy. Save time by boiling eggs at the start of the week and storing in the fridge. You can make them in under 10 minutes in the microwave. Check out our microwavable scrambled eggs and microwavable poached eggs. For something different, try our recipe for home-made baked beans. It will boost your protein and fibre intakes and count towards your daily 5? Making a batch at the start of the week to reheat and serve with toast in a flash!

3. Smoothies

Smoothies are super quick and easy to make in the morning. Plus, you can put them in a container and drink them on the go! They are a great way to get in an extra serve of fruit or veg early in the day. Prepare the ingredients the night before to save time. Check out our recipes page for more inspo!

4. Yoghurt, fruit and muesli

A bowl of yoghurt, fruit and muesli is super quick and easy to put together in the morning. It’s also a great source of protein, calcium, fibre and complex carbs. Frozen fruit is a great option for this breakfast as its super affordable and won’t spoil easily. You could also add nuts and seeds for an added boost of fibre and healthy fats. Check out our recipe here.

5. French Toast

French toast is a great breakfast option when you want some fancy. Eggs will boost your protein intake and using wholemeal bread will increase your fibre. It is surprisingly quick to make and a yummy option for those who like breakfast with a flavour twist. Check out our recipe here for a nutrient rich way to start your day.

Your Personal Healthy Eating Quiz

What you eat or don’t eat affects how you look, feel and perform. Take our short quiz to find out what foods you could introduce to help you be your best.

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What is healthy eating?

Eating healthy is making sure you enjoy a wide variety of foods from each of the five major food groups daily, in the amounts recommended. The five major food groups as recommended by the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating are:

  1. vegetables and legumes/bean
  2. fruit
  3. lean meats and poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds, legumes/beans
  4. grain (cereal) foods, mostly wholegrain and/or high cereal fibre varieties
  5. milk, yoghurt, cheese and/or alternatives, mostly reduced fat.

Foods are grouped together because they provide similar amounts of key nutrients and eating a variety of foods from the list above helps to promote good health and reduce the risk of disease.

How do I improve my diet?

If you want to improve your diet you have come to the right place. By completing the Healthy Eating Quiz you’ll receive instant personalised feedback and a report on your diet quality to highlight any areas where you can improve your overall eating habits. Your score is based on the frequency and variety of the foods consumed from the five major food groups mentioned above. No Money No Time can help you improve your score by providing tips, goals and suggestions. On top of this we will provide quick, cheap and healthy recipes as well as credible answers to diet hacks, myths and FAQ’s.

Is my diet healthy?

Dietary habits are different between people. Some people choose to follow a particular diet (i.e., Keto diet or vegan diet) while some have to make changes due to certain food restrictions or health conditions. If you want to know if what you usually eat is healthy, then do the Healthy Eating Quiz today to give you the answers in less than 10 minutes.

Why is healthy eating important?

Your HEQ score and personalised feedback report is based on the frequency and variety of healthy core foods you usually eat. This is important because no single food contains all the nutrients we need to stay healthy. Some foods are higher in nutrients than others and people who have a lot of variety in the foods they eat are more likely to be healthy and to stay healthy. In other words, if you can eat a large variety of vegetables as opposed to only 2-3 types of vegetables, the benefits are much greater. This type of diet also helps you to feel better, think better and perform better during your usual daily activities.

Take the Healthy Eating Quiz